All Images and Text Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Michele Marie Summerlin Shimchock. All rights reserved.

All Images and Text Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Michele Marie Summerlin Shimchock. All rights reserved.
I know a lawyer who will eat your face off if you use any of my stuff without prior written permission from me. Thank you.
"It would have to shine. And burn. And be / a sign of something infinite and turn things
and people nearby into their wilder selves / and be dangerous to the ordinary nature of
signs and glow like a tiny hole in space / to which a god presses his eye and stares.
Or her eye. Some divine impossible stretch / of the imagination where you and I are one."

An excerpt from "Something New under the Sun" from Steve Scafidi's Sparks from a Nine-Pound Hammer

Sunday, February 28, 2010

What’s in a Name?

Merriam-Webster Online describes *prosaic* and *daze* as the following (and I am forever fascinated by the etymology of all words English).

In fact, when I was married, I almost bought the entire Oxford English Dictionary in print, but it was expensive, (it, now, runs almost $1,000.00!) and I knew I would be getting a divorce in the very near future, and since said divorce, I have been brokebrokebroke. Seriously, broke. But I *will* own it in some form, some day.

Main Entry: pro•sa•ic
Pronunciation: \prō-ˈzā-ik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin prosaicus, from Latin prosa prose
Date: circa 1656
1: a characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry: factual b: dull, unimaginative
2: everyday, ordinary; (heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives — Kirkus Reviews)
pro•sa•i•cal•ly \-ˈzā-ə-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Main Entry: daze
Pronunciation: \ˈdāz\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): dazed; daz•ing
Etymology: Middle English dasen, from Old Norse *dasa; akin to Old Norse dasask to become exhausted
Date: 14th century
1: to stupefy especially by a blow: stun
2: to dazzle with light
daze noun
da•zed•ly \ˈdā-zəd-lē\ adverb
dazed•ness \ˈdā-zəd-nəs, ˈdāzd-\ noun

I know this blog is in its infancy; it really hasn’t decided what it wants to be yet; it hasn’t discovered its purpose. But I would be okay with it if it wanted to remain without a specific purpose.

I do know, however, what it is not. It is not a business-centered venture. It has no specific formula for success. It is not a marketing device and is not designed to make money. It really isn’t even a lifestyle blog, although it does and will contain tidbits of my life as I try to live it. Who knows? It may grow into vignettes of how this one woman survived life, still breathing but not unscathed. And with a few of the poems that carried her through along the way.

And I know why I named it Prosaic Daze. The words are often prose as distinguished from the poetry I post here. However and more importantly, I named this blog Prosaic Daze because I want readers to know and understand that, sometimes, some things considered dull, unimaginative, mundane, or banal can simply dazzle, stupefy, and stun you with their inherent beauty.

Because there is beauty in all things; sometimes, you just have to let open that third eye to find it. Sometimes, finding the beauty in plain, ugly things is all that will carry you through to the next vibrant sunrise. And the sun *will* rise.

In peace and love…


  1. I have the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. It is comforting. Not the full thing, though.

  2. I was just looking up that word on friday, reallly!! I like it, specially that last paragraph...yes, it will. and, peace and love to you.

  3. Hi,your comment on Agnes's blog made me click to yours. I myself feel a loner and hence named my blog (haven't gone there myself since long...)also that way.
    Pain is a great teacher and Time a great healer.
    Good to see that you see the glass half full in the last para.
    Sun will rise... and
    we shall overcome : ))

  4. Thank you, Raji. I'm a huge fan of Agnes' blog. And, yes, the sun will rise, and we all will overcome. Cheers to you. Thanks for sitting a spell to read my blog. Cheers, indeed!
