All Images and Text Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Michele Marie Summerlin Shimchock. All rights reserved.

All Images and Text Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Michele Marie Summerlin Shimchock. All rights reserved.
I know a lawyer who will eat your face off if you use any of my stuff without prior written permission from me. Thank you.
"It would have to shine. And burn. And be / a sign of something infinite and turn things
and people nearby into their wilder selves / and be dangerous to the ordinary nature of
signs and glow like a tiny hole in space / to which a god presses his eye and stares.
Or her eye. Some divine impossible stretch / of the imagination where you and I are one."

An excerpt from "Something New under the Sun" from Steve Scafidi's Sparks from a Nine-Pound Hammer

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Room of My Own

I must be repaying some kind of cosmic debt to which I am completely unaware, and I must admit: it’s bringing me down. And even though I felt like crawling back into the bed this morning and staying there beneath the constant hug of the down comforter, I resisted. Instead, I did a little paper cleansing.

I am a borderline hoarder, especially when it comes to keeping my paper records: paid bills, insurance EOBs, bank statements, paycheck stubs, receipts from when I bought gas during Christmas 2008. I stack them up in neat little piles on my desk, and after a while, the piles grow a little unruly. So, today, I gave it up to the shredder. My desk is still a mess, but the unnecessary paper has been eliminated.

Doing this, however, only reinforced how badly the boyfriend and I need to get on with renovating that spare room into my office. But such a big task takes a little bit of money, and money is the one thing I’m presently living without.

I am a sentimental person, and I like to keep things that are of sentimental value to me. I often wish I were the type of person who could just toss things out, set them next to the curb for collection, and just let it go. But I’ve moved so many times and have lived without the people I love for so long that these trinkets hold memories and have become replacements for the people I don’t get to see very often, if at all. My stuff deserves its own room or as the boyfriend calls it, “my own space.” And I couldn’t agree with him more.

In the spirit of Virginia Woolf, I need a “room of one’s own.” There, I could write without disturbance, whether it is a poem or a blog update. I would set up a makeshift worktable where I could hand-bind art books until my fingertips bleed and my heart’s content. I could handcraft notecards that incorporate my original photographs, quirky designs, and found art.

Yes. A room of my own is just what I need.


  1. miss you too....<3 the best medicine; specially in your own room, no distractions. I like it!

  2. 60 fans , and rising. looks good! bit by bit.
    would like to see more comments.

  3. Lori, I am uber-organized in what appears to be an utter disregard for organization. I know exactly where to find what I need when I need to find it. I just don't think it's much appreciated that all this takes place in the dining room!
